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Strategies and Marketing

Why A-Hive Solutions, LLC?


A-Hive Solutions, LLC is dedicated to helping our clients increase their revenue, close the gap between marketing and sales, enrich and effectively manage data assets, improve their sales pipeline, and provide a positive Return on Investment.


As a professional Customer Support Company, we provide customized market research, outsourced sales and database marketing services, CRM consultancy and sales training, and customer-focused training. Our expertise is derived from our years of experience generating revenue in the highly competitive countries within the Asia Pacific, including Australia, New Zealand, USA, Canada, UK, and the Philippines.


A-Hive Solutions, LLC is not your typical office. We work hard to maintain a working partnership with each client; in order to develop, manage and deliver successful sales and marketing strategies, efficient and effective customer service, and programs. Part of building any effective process for client campaigns is establishing and coordinating the expectations of the marketing team, the sales force, and the management team. We work closely with each client to establish their appropriate sales and marketing processes, customize the strategy, define the target audience, and gather insightful sales intelligence from key targets and incorporate lessons learned into more proficient and better quality demand generation programs. Optimizing the overall sales and marketing process requires attention to detail, experienced resources, and people dedicated to achieving our client's objectives.


We have a team of Managers who can manage the customer service team well to help you provide better and more complete support to your customers.


We have better reporting and control on sales projects and support.


Best of all, you’ll get the best team and sales quality in the less expensive way you could ever think of…….SAVE…yes that’s the word!

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